OK this is evil (warning, evil content, play at your own risk)
Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.
Just to give you an idea of just how far we've fallen. These women protest because they perceive that the Republicans will take away the right to control their own body when they can't see that the government won't stop at that, they will control your right to EVER have children. Can't they see that the government is using them to force abortion on others? Where is the freedom in that. Try to have more than 2.5 kids in this country and see what happens!
When you have people like this on the streets of America and no one, not the church, not the clergy, not business not upstanding people, to oppose them, is it any wonder at all that you get two Presidential candidates who are scrambling over each other promising who will kill the most babies if he gets in office?
Now before you go running off at the mouth that I don't have the right, you should know that I don't care. I'm a man past breeding age and see the whole abortion issue as something that should be kept between a woman and her doctor. NOT MY PROBLEM> and as such, marching vagina's is something I shouldn't have in front of my face and I shouldn't be asked to pay for any of this. Like homosexuals, NOT MY PROBLEM. what people do in the privacy of their homes is their business and again I shouldn't have in front of my face. But the powers that be have taken these issues and made them front and center. It seems that there are so many people involved in these sordid affairs that are "coming out of their particular closets" that the government has given these certain people special rights to control government and destroy companies. (a la Chick fil A) Again what you do in your bedroom isn't my concern as long as you have consenting adults with you. But you should be warned, it is God's business, but that is between you and him. But keep in mind
Hebrews 10:31
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
How sick are we? We have given preferential treatment to a people who like sex in certain ways. and believe me, there is no bottom to that pit.
so what is the problem with America? We have turned our back on the Church and God and will have no end of evidence that God has taken his hand of blessing off this once great nation until we beg God's forgiveness and pray his blessing again across our great land.
Now you know a little bit of the problem. Simple Solution, to fix it, get back to Church and pray God's forgiveness. Don't fix it and you WILL WISH YOU HAD. Billy Graham Where Are You Now?
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