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Sunday, December 9, 2012

On "Falling Off the FIscal Cliff" A Strange Viewpoint

So the politicians think they have us all scared to death. HE HE HE now that's funny! What can they do to us? Steal Our money??? they already made it worthless (we just haven't figured it out yet). After all, it's only worth what you think it is. In a weird way, the government is telling us what they think about us. "here's a thousand dollars union worker, now go away you bother me". they are trying to pit everyone against each other, but obamasteins monster isn't reacting the way he hoped. it seems as though once you have given someone everything they want, they don't need to go carrying signs and stuff like that. so they are having trouble getting their minions on the streets to finish the deal. so much for Martial law. they have to find another way to institute Marshall law. the regular stuff isn't working. I know maybe the Mayan Calendar thing, everyone is scarred shitless about that aren't they? No? NO ONE? oh come on, yous guys are supposed to be stupid. What's up with that. Just wait until after January and every ones paycheck goes way down, I wonder if obama's popularity will go way up????? no? not likely??? and obama said the taxes won't go up on those making less than $200000 a year....oh by the way.....he lied ....you're screwed.but hey, you wanted him!! lucky you aren't racist or anything huh???? this will get interesting, even if you''re "poor". Hold on to your lug nuts, it's time for an overhaul!!!!

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