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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Will You Break the Bondage Of "Politically Correct"?

Break the Chains Of Political Correctness!!
Why do you continually bow down to those in our society who would force you to say or act a certain way because it's just not PC? I am so sick and tired of people who think they need to be careful of what they say or do or this group or that group will try to destroy them over silly crap that doesn't mean anything. Our whole society is in chains over fear of what might happen if they have said the "N" word, or told a gay joke, or drove the wrong car or painted their house the wrong color. People who enforce these fascist rules should be horse whipped, tarred and feathered and run out of town. Has it occurred to anyone that this PC crap is exactly, or maybe worse than, prison and chains? You don't dare say this or you don't dare do that or the PC police will take you away! WHO CARES, let them!!! These people only have the power you give them! and that's always MONEY. When  the PC police come it's because they want money. It's just another form of wealth redistribution, we want or fear about money.....Greed People! that's all it is. Greed. Paula Dean cried and demeaned herself because she lost her cushy high paying job. Great example. What should have happened. She admitted to using the N word, she gets fired, the whites boycott the station that fired her, they re-state Paula Dean with a big raise and problem solved. But Paula Dean seeing her cushy lifestyle evaporating, demeans herself, cries apologizes disgusting! the PC police say that's not good enough and she gets trashed anyway, sacrifice not accepted. everyone else stands around and says, at least it didn't happen to me!!! What? Really?? We are being pushed around by a bunch of people that have absolutely no power whatsoever and cow towing to people who don't deserve it and have done much worse themselves. and the white people fall all over themselves to try to please people that can't and won't be pleased. We know this yet continue? Are we stupid or what? Hey they can't destroy me, I don't own anything and have nothing to lose, so I don't have to be PC and I can implore people to shut down those fascists who would take away your freedoms. Don't you wish you had the guts to do this? The New Black Panther Party has said on the streets of Philadelphia that they want to kill white babies and we just say, "well, they are angry blacks" they don't mean it. they call each other all kinds of vile crap but dare you put up a protest about the New Black Panther's rhetoric and the racist card is flung on the table and major corporations quiver at the thought of a 1% profit lost by some phony. greed again, "boycott" by people who only are committing extortion on the American People.
I'm done now but we should think about this whole PC thing. People are People and they will say and do cruel things, but I would rather live in a truly free society and hear a few ethnics jokes once in a while than live in a world where certain groups can controls millions with mere accusations.
remember the old child's taunt? Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones But Words Can Never hurt me.
Please help me say hello to the NSA. Hello NSA!!! Keeping people free by making sure they don't get out of their chains!

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